Define your music!

I am starting a podcast-style radio show on (this website is very messy and unfinished as of right now) called The Musical Dictionary.

The point of this specific radio show is to help clueless people like me understand the many complex and bizarre genres of music that exist. For example, there was once a time when music could just be called 'emo' (nobody shoot me, I'm just using an example). Now you can break that down into indie, scene, screamo (and there are like THREE THOUSAND different types of scremo) and you get the picture. And are those genres even subcategories of emo in the first place? I HAVE NO IDEA YOU TELL ME.

So, pick your favorite, most obscure or specific genre and define it for me! Tell me what it sounds like and where it may have come from, and give me an example of a song to play on the show!

Your name and country / approximate location: (Not required) Hayley, Canada
Genre name: Dubstep
Definition: (Serious or not, or both)

~ Dubstep is a genre of music that can turn any time, place or person into a f****** party. It is derived from the latin word Nosuchthingastoomuchbass. It is an orgasm for your ears (when produced correctly) that ejaculates bass lines into your brain getting you hooked, this is te process in which "bassheads" are born.
~ the music that is created from transformers having sex
~ A broad term for the deeper, rootical sound of post-Garage music. Related to Grime, Eski, Sublo, 8Bar. A tongue in cheek descriptive term in the UK tradition, like Jungle.
~ womp womp womp womp

Example: (Name of song/artist or Youtube link)

SO, what do you guys think? What kinds of obscure genres do you listen to?
March 18th, 2011 at 02:29am