I am THE biggest Wanna be scene kid you will ever meet

Kay so for over 2 years now I've been wanting white/platinum blonde hair.
Then a month or so ago I decided I want silver/grey hair.

My mum didn't like me dying my hair in the first place. So she's being a b*tch about it.

+ when she finds out I'm bi. She will go off her tits anyways :/ so I've decided that when I do come out to her. I will do whatever the f*ck I want to my hair. And she'll have to deal with it.

I think I might make it as white/grey as possible. Then put blue streaks in it. Or just do the whole thing blue? Right now. I'm liking the all over blue idea :P

<3 ("")("")PawsUp<3LoveGagaloo<3
March 18th, 2011 at 11:05am