I don't know anymore...):

So, pretty much, if you liked this one guy, who was a complete douche bag, and he did like the sweetest thing ever the other day when you were like really sad, you'd like him more, right?

Well, at least I did.

After what he did, he wasn't as much of a douche bag as I thought he was. And how he actually worried about me was nice...

But, I haven't seen him since then...

I know I, myself, have been avoiding him. And just thinking of him or knowning that I might possibly see him makes me so sick... It's not fair.

But... now, maybe I'm just overreating, but I...just sort of feel as if what happened tuesday was a one time thing...,

And to make it worse, one of my good friends/ex-boyfriend said that he was done since no matter how many times he said I was stupid for liking a douche bag/asshole like him, it just never made me not like him.

And I do agree that hes a douche. A hot one at that... but he's also very nice and can be the sweetest guy...

But I don't know anything anymore. I don't know how I feel... I don't know if i want to see him or if I just want to keep avoiding him. I don't know if I should bring up what happened tuesday or just leave it in the past... I don't know if what happened then was just a one day thing or outside of school thing, or if he'd continue being nice to me... But more importantly...

I don't know if I should even be liking him...):
March 19th, 2011 at 03:24am