The Weirdest Experiences = The Best Dates

I never write anything happy, so I'm taking a break from the dark and depressing to share the joy about another amazing date with the one and only Mate Of Em. Haha, since my wonderfully amazing boyfriend is -terribly- shy, I promised I would never use his name on her so that's what I'm gonna call him, bwahaha.

Anywhom... So, I love how the best dates always are comprised of the weirdest experiences. I mean, today we went to the park and played on the playground for an hour. Haha, it was the most amazing thing ever. And later on we drew all over each other in sharpie. It was hilarious and wonderful and probably the best date we've had in months. So yeah, even though I may threaten to rip my dear Mate's head off every once in a while (read, frequently) I really do love the big lug.

Sorry for the happy blurb, but I don't get much of a chance to put my good vibes out there. Teehee. I shall return to depressing writing later, I'm just so friggin happy XD.

Not bragging, just in luurrvvee. Lolz.
March 20th, 2011 at 03:59am