About Me

So I am new at this but I just wanted some where, that I could write down my feelings were no one would really know me. so i think that the first thing that you should know about me is that I really can't spell so sorry if you don\t understand something. I really want to be a write, mostly I write Romance, sometimes it's not just romance in my stories. I am in my last year in high school and with grad come up i am become more and more stressed. All I can think is that if I dont Pass then I will let everyone i know down. and that is something that i never wanted to do. I become stressed very easily so my journal entries might just be my way of letting of steam because when ever i try to talk about my feeling when i am ask no one listens :( or they try to make about themselves, which i do sometimes to so i can't really say that i hate it. anyway like i was saying this is mostly just going to be me talking it out without my family see this and saying things like "it's ok this happened to me" or "Shut up Kayla" :( thanks for reading this anyway :)
March 20th, 2011 at 04:21am