Well then.

I changed my username from metalmouthmidget to prettyoddrydonfan.

My new one is the same one as my DA username so I though it'd be a good idea to make them the same. :)


Oh wow...it says this has to be 100 words long alright so let's drag this out then...

what's the best thing about having sex with...oh wait...that joke only works in person. Never mind...

Well then...a little about myself

I like yaoi, slash,music,anime, and plenty of other things. I've been bisexual for as long as I can remeber which the farthest memory of my sexuality I have is when my neighbor stephanie and I had our first kiss I was crazy about here until she moved away. I can't remeber much before the age of 9 because I was in a car accident blah blah blah memory loss blah blah blah you get the picture. The things I do remeber are 98% of the time negative. Which makes me resent certain members of my family who have no right to be that way with me because I should be the one whose a jerk to them.

I've lived in the same play for my whole life so I'm excited to get out of this place. I'm 19 and I'm not sure what I want to major in. Writing has been something I've been doing since elementry school, I've always been told since then how good I am at it. I have a thing for red head females with guys I usually like them nerdy.

I have trust issues and various different personality disorders. But don't we all?


Alright then.

Well then...I think this has been 100 words.

So yep...my username is different now.
March 20th, 2011 at 05:32am