How to stay on their mind.

Here's the funny thing; my relationships almost always fail. I mean I have had good ones but never a great one, which doesn't makes sense because according to every girl I am friends with I give some kick ass adivice for relationships. All of that is actually not apparent though..

A friend of mine texted me today complaining about how relationships she has with guys fizzle out way to fast which got me thinking why this might be happening and I think I may have come up with a few simple steps to keep a good thing going.

Now these tips can go for both sides I guess, I mean guys and girls can use them.

So if your relationships get boring in the first 2 weeks there is something wrong. Maybe you moved too fast with them or you just weren't their type. Either way don't worry about it, life won't end if they weren't the right one. Just get back in the game.

Now, if you fizzle and wish it would sizzle (yes, I know. Cheesy) then here's what you do.

Everyone knows the first step; stay on their mind.

Don't always reply to their texts or IM messages. Make sure they know you have a life that doesn't revolve around them. When you do text them avoid answering right away you don't want to seem desperate annnd for the love of god DO NOT USE ONE WORD REPLIES! My biggest pet peev about texting and messaging. No wonder things go flat to soon if you can't hold a conversation <-- that is just common sense people.

If you see them in the hallway don't get all weird and giddy about it. Be cool, a simple hi will do most days, because if it's a new relationship nothing is serious yet and you don't have to be with them 24/7. That can seem clingy, not always but it can. Try to steer away from that happening. Yes, going to the locker, office, whatever it is with them is good, just not all the time. Space people that's all I'm saying.

If you're fighting already, get out of the relationship. It's already not worth your time... again common sense. No one wants to fight with someone all the time. You wouldn't keep a friend around that you fought with a lot, so why keep a person you have feelings for. You're only going to hurt yourself.

Yes, staying up till 4 a.m. talking is cute but not all the time. Take it from someone who knows, doing this all the time gets boring because after awhile day time conversations have no real topics.

Now if you're not dating the person but you still wanna stay on their mind do those things but makes sure you find out somehow if they like you back.

I was thinking about writing about how to find out if someone likes you. Let me know how you thought of this journal and if I should continue to post relationship advice... mmk, thanks everyone.
March 20th, 2011 at 06:55am