A farewell to my family and a need for your shit-faced stories (MUST READ!)

Today my aunt and uncle, Dan and Riva, are moving to Austin, Texas. I honestly don't know what I am going to do without them. They are my main support system out here in California besides my parents, and they are here for me no matter what. I don't want them to leave me stranded out here all by myself. It was so nice to have two other adults on this planet besides my parents who just.....got me. And understood where I was coming from and knew how to make me happy y'know?

I haven't figured out what the point of me telling you that was....but I guess it was in hopes that you might understand and silently get it too. I miss them already and they haven't even left.

OK. So. It is officially spring break and so far I think I've had a GREAT run of it, minus all the drama. On Thursday night I got shit-faced for the first time and seriously, it rocked so hard. I was with my bosom darling Maddie who is tall and exotic and she's an actress and she's basically like my older sister. And we decided we were going to get drunk because we needed to have a feeling funeral. Me for a guy named Nick who was a douche and her...well she just needed to tell me something. So I set out candles and we sat down. OH but before this...I went downstairs and mixed a while bunch of hard liquor together. I put whiskey, brandy, wine, and maybe vodka? I don't know. I can hardly remember. And then we sat drinking it out of this huge cup and it tasted so horrifically bad but it didn't matter! Maddie told me some really intense stuff and then I let out my feelings about guys and life in general and problems I've been having lately.

THEN Maddie started drunk dialing and it got hilarious after that. But basically I ended up having to get her off the toilet where she was sitting, giggling and we decided to go to bed and then right before we went to bed Maddie said
"Miranda, can we fall asleep holding hands?" and I of coarse said yes so (later we said that if it was a movie it would pan out from an over shot of the bed of both of us holding hands) we fell asleep.
Get this. In the morning I woke up in MY BED, not the guest bed, and my room was clean.

We figured out later that I must of blacked out and sleep cleaned or something crazy like that. We literally started cracking up in the morning. So many other crazy things happened....if you guys are willing could you PLEASE share some of your drunk stories? Or just one crazy thing you've done while shit-faced? I need to hear some!

Oh and I have this theory that when you're drunk it brings out who you really are and I am TOTALLY right.

OK thanks guys, Hope you had as much of a fun st.patty's day as I did!
March 20th, 2011 at 07:53pm