Overthinking things

Have you ever spent a load of time thinking something over. But, what was it for? When you look back at it, it seems hopeless. You can't believe you just spent so long doing that. I overthink everything, so when someone asks a favour, I always think more than twice about doing it, unless I can do it quickly. If you find yourself doing this, maybe you should try to cut it apart. What is it they asked you to do? Why should you do it? Then sum it all up, and you should have an answer.
If you are overthinking about life itself, quit it. There is nothing at all worth overthinking about, so just forget about it, and think about something worth while. I do it sometimes, when i'm bored, and I self harm, because i'm an idiot. My dad left a couple of weeks ago, and I was overthinking that. But, he used to pin me to the wall by my neck and spit on my face when he spoke. He wanted to get rid of us. I was overthinking this. Why couldn't I overthink about my mum not being able to live without us?
It's life, and life is a bitch.
March 20th, 2011 at 08:12pm