What the hell is a hipster? (and other questions)

I understood the 'emo' thing when it was still plaid shirts, messenger bags and Chuck Taylors. I understood the 'emo' thing when it was black eyeliner and Nightmare Before Christmas tees. But then 'emo' branched into, like, fifteen thousand different sub-genres that are so obscure and so not mainstream that i have no idea what ridiculous trends you ridiculous kids have come up with now. /grandpa

Like, the only thing that I know about 'indies' are that they are much cooler than I am, and they are very much aware of their awesome undergroundness. What the hell is a hipster, anyway? What is the difference between an indie and a hipster? What's the difference between an emo and a scene kid?

And I know that you young'ins are all hopped up on your crazy rock'n'roll 'n' your Metallica and such, so tell me; what, stereotypically, do each of these personalities listen to? I mean, other than indie kids - I wouldn't have heard their bands anyway, right?


Explanations for other obscure (or even not so obscure - what does it mean to be 'emo' today?) genres of...personalities
(?)are totally welcome as well, because I do not understand any of you.

Show me your stereotypes.
Your stereotypes.
Show me your stereotypes.
(I want your labels!)

...Jon Lajoie? Anyone?

By the way, if you don't mind, I'll be using these answers on the radio show I'm broadcasting about teen pop culture. Let me know if you want me to contact you when I do?
March 21st, 2011 at 01:19am