Frustrated With Technology.

So. I've been on mibba for probably almost a year now and my layout is still all boring. I go around and everyone else has these AAHHMAYZING pages and then I look at mine and say "Wow. This is embarrassing." So I try to change it and just get so confused. I don't know what to do. I'm clueless. Some things need to have step by step instructions. Ya' know like those Lego books. They tell you exactly what to do to build these insane contraptions that you never thought you could build with Legos. Sometimes I wish life was like that too. Where you just now exactly what to do so you can do no wrong. And then again I don't. There would be no adventure. But my life is not a Lego book and for now I guess I'm stuck with this boring layout that i dont know how to change. Goodness Gracious. What a wonderful rant(:
March 21st, 2011 at 02:14am