This is really embarrassing.

I'm pretty depressed right now because I just realized how much my life sucks, how much I hate my friends, and how addicted I am to the internet. :(

It's a Sunday night and I have school tomorrow. I've spent the entire weekend in bed miserable (Actually, I wasn't too miserable I discovered this series on the showtime network called Shameless. It's pretty shit (good) you should check it out) and on facebook as my so called friends mock me with their photos of their weekend adventures. All of which I was not invited to... With friends like these no wonder I'm addicted to the internet. So because I'm so miserable and have no one to vent to I am feeding my addiction by "vlogging" (not video logging vent logging lol (I should be a comedian(kidding that was really lame))). Anyways, I was going to vlog on twitter but people from my school follow me. Then I decided to try tumblr because facebook was out of the question. Tumblr FAILED! That stupid annoying always crashing website! >:[

Then I realize mibba is always here for me <3 or you or whoever.

Anyways the reason this journal is titled "This is really embarrassing." is because I posted a journal about a year bragging about how awesome my school is and how much I love. Wow, have things changed. I'm a junior which for you internationals means one more year until university.

If you've read though this thank you. I really appreciate it.
Good Bye!
March 21st, 2011 at 02:52am