My teacher did a meercat impression...

So basically, we were talking about something in English. I'm not 100% sure what it was now, but it was about some article thing we were reading. Then all of a sudden, I looked up and saw Miss doing a meercat impression. To be honest I have no idea why she did it, and I’m pretty sure that she wasn’t meant to either, but, well, it happened. After that everyone started asking her to do it again…She did. She did it again.

Then we went really off topic again and she was saying about the son in the article being embarrassed. She then went on to say that it must’ve been how her son felt when she dressed up as a leprechaun.

I wasn’t listening completely, so all I heard really was ‘I DRESSED UP AS A LEPRECHAUN’. So yeah, that was a good laugh…

She said she wore it because all the staff were meant to dress up for Christmas (she was meant to be an elf) but in the end she was the only one who actually did it. But then she said that later that day she had a meeting and she was sat in there dressed as an elf. That actually sounds pretty funny haha

Later in the lesson we were talking about gaggling geese. I just thought that sounded a bit funny so yeah I shared it.

Oh and anyone who’s interested, I haven’t had any withdrawal symptoms yet from my mibba absence… And it isn’t really working either lol seeing as I’m on right now.

But during the week I’m only using it for updating and uploading…Yes…That’ll work. Actually, I’m only going to use it for journals during the week because I usually stop writing if I know I’ve put a chapter up recently. So if I don’t put chapters up until Friday night or whenever then I’ll end up writing more…

My logic so works…

I really fail at this don’t I?
March 21st, 2011 at 02:09pm