Sorry for my lack of updates!

My computer cord has stopped working (it's the third new one I've had to buy!) and so I can't use my laptop. I'm on my iPhone right now. A lot of partially written updates are just sitting on my laptop, so until I get money to buy a new power cord, I can't really update.

But, if you're feeling bored, head over to quizilla and read some of my stories that are older/not posted here. Some of them are shitty, but most of them I like. :)

Also, please feel free to send me your stories to read. I don't have a LOT of free time between school and work, but hey, spring break is coming up. I'd especially love to read BTR stories, just saying~

So yes, there is an update! As soon as I get my laptop running, I'll update both my Josh and Carlos stories, even though I'm losing steam (again) on the Josh one.

Thanks for reading!
March 21st, 2011 at 03:13pm