Because it's trending on Twitter; #100thingsaboutme

1. Most importantly, I am ginger.
2. I HATE feet.
3. I was 18 before I went to my first funeral
4. I like politics. Yeah, I said it!
5. Jeremy Kyle and all his reality TV friends repulse me.
6. I’m missing 2 of my adult teeth. One of them never even existed.
7. If I could spend all my money on one thing, it would be nail varnish.
8. Green tea is my favourite.
9. Malibu is my other favourite.
10. Dance is my life.
11. I wish I was prettier some days.
12. My eyelashes are blonde.
13. Having a mobile phone is my biggest distraction.
14. I work in a gym.
15. I pluck any dark hair on my boyfriend’s back when he sleeps. He doesn’t like it (:
16. I have muffin tops.
17. Sometimes, I giggle snort.
18. Or I cry with laughter.
19. Bed at 9pm? Yes please.
20. I hate having an empty bed some nights.
21. Acting is something I rather enjoy.
22. Useless information is my life source.
23. Drugs are the single most disgusting thing ever invented.
24. When I smile, my top lip seems to disappear. Stupid braces.
25. My sense of humour is immature.
26. I don’t like confrontation, but if you piss me off I will let you know.
27. Don’t tell me that life is hard, I know.
28. I’m crapping myself for university.
29. My Uggs are the most comfortable shoes I have ever owned.
30. I don’t like to follow the trends. I’ll wear what is comfy and flattering thank you very much.
31. I like to drive. It gives me focus.
32. Day time TV is what is wrong with this world.
33. Innuendos and euphemisms please.
34. I’m not even half way through this and I’m running out of facts about myself.
35. Porn is right up there with drugs on the hate scale.
36. Cancer scares me more than I let anyone know.
37. I do worry about my mental health sometimes.
38. My mental age is a little too low.
39. I gave up chocolate for lent, failed for two weeks and then started again.
40. Those tests you can do on Facebook are oddly addictive.
41. I love horoscopes!
42. I think rationally; no controversial opinions here.
43. My ancestors were part of the Sinn Fein movement.
44. I’ve only ever flown to Poland and back.
45. Every joint in my right leg was wrecked for a year.
46. I preferred Digimon to Pokémon.
47. I suck at learning other languages.
48. I didn’t realise that Pokémon was in the dictionary on Microsoft word!
49. I went to see JLS, twice.
50. I’ll never fall out of love with Avenged Sevenfold.
51. I have a tattoo.
52. I doubt I’ll ever get another tattoo.
53. To date, I have 8 piercings.
54. I’ve spent over £50 on them combined.
55. I still love the Disney Channel.
56. Twitter beats Face book.
57. I use slang to take the michael, blud.
58. Critters is THE WORST film I have ever seen.
59. I don’t like even numbers.
60. Prime numbers are the bomb.
61. I got bulled for years.
62. It never stopped, but I stopped caring.
63. Chewing gum is my vice.
64. My hair grows too slowly, but it uber thick.
65. Kind of like my hair curly ...
66. I like it when my sister has inspiration for a photo shoot and asks me to be the model.
67. I like to walk places.
68. I have minor OCD over everything.
69. I get so tired that I pass out some nights. It doesn’t help.
70. My first kiss was a BIG mistake.
71. My second kiss was the best thing I did in a long time.
72. I’m the queen of banter apparently.
73. I laugh at my own jokes sometimes.
74. I like not being blonde or brunette.
75. I put purple streaks in my hair.
76. I shall not be manipulated by anyone.
77. Being famous is something I’d like to try.
78. Minimalism and modernism are too cool.
79. Antonin Artaud is inspiring.
80. I like to watch Eastenders and Corrie.
81. I get paid £7 for doing my school work.
82. I don’t think I look 18.
83. I can’t keep plants alive.
84. I’m finding a love for ice hockey, but only when a specific someone is playing.
85. Massages keep me going through the exam season.
86. I’m not artistic at all but people don’t believe me.
87. I’m creative in weird ways.
88. I question the existence of boobs.
89. Men in white vans sound their horns at me on the street.
90. I hate sexism.
91. I am not a piece of meat or a belonging.
92. I don’t like that I’m covered in freckles.
93. The sunshine is my enemy.
94. Swimming is something I should do more.
95. Purple is my favourite colour.
96. Fruit is my favourite food.
97. I didn’t like my Aunt’s first husband.
98. I can’t wait for my Grandad’s wedding.
99. I think Oxford and Cambridge are totally over rated and snobby.
100. I can’t imagine the distant future, only the immediate.
March 21st, 2011 at 09:33pm