"I wish that he would whisper "ma cherie, je t'aime, but all he wants to do is try and fix that plane, in the city of love"

So I'm still obsessed with that episode, but I'll let you readers find out what song that is from. So here's my update:

I dislike snow. It's supposed to snow middle of this week, stop, then rain/snow next week. What this means? Though my coach wants to start up in April, it probably won't happen. NO!

Anyways, I don't want to hang on that thought or else I'm going to get really upset... again.

Well, I was back to school today, which means I got the myth back from my friend. I'll probably write it up in the next few days, but I'm really bad at stuff like that, especially when I'm sad :(

And I've been considering putting a "sneak peak" up of my mute werewolf thing. Don't know if anyone would be interested, so I'm not going to put it up unless people ask me to. It's not like it would distract me from reading, as I write that to get my imagination going.

Uhhmmm, oh right, my personal life.
One of my guy friends was being the weird guy he is and telling me why he wasn't "dateable". I didn't understand so I'm not even gonna try explaining it to you. Nonetheless, it started bothering me a bit. I haven't dated much. One almost boyfriend, and one boyfriend that ended in total disaster. I mean, I'm still in highschool, so I shouldn't be worried, but I'm just tired of falling for people who could care less. Or, worse, who don't even notice.
I guess I'm a hypocrite, because some days I feel like I would do anything to date, but I know that's not true. But then again it might be. I don't want to date, just to "date" but my heart is not enjoying being alone. It just makes a girl really vulnerable. I mean, so many of us have ego issues.

But maybe I'm just being all depressed because of not horseback riding. It really ruins a month.

So ignore all that and message me. For the readers of GoF out there, remember I write because you read. I would have abandoned this long before if I had no subscribers. I don't ignore messages.

Anyways, I'm gonna give you, the GoF readers a hint at whats coming. A fail hint, but I feel bad for leaving this so long :P

Kaila's about to meet Casius's high strung sister, find out the myth behind the myth, all the while her dragon disappears frequently for long periods of time. As well, the towns are filled with talk about the outrageous weather, and Casius starts acting strange. Does his sister not like her? Or is it something else? Then they discover a missing piece, something that can't be filled in by any old myth. The secret that started the war, that caused the death of so many. So what will happen now? Will Airia disappear never to return? Will Casius continue to act strangely? And where does that leave Kaila? And what about these freak storms? The weather was never this unreliable. What could cause it? And why did it seem like no matter how hard they tried, they always seemed to be caught in the centre. A threat looms beneath the surface, but is this threat a friend or a foe. Maybe that was the secret the whole time.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Anyways, yeah. That's actually a major hint, but you guys won't understand that at all, since you don't know the secret. And yes, that's right, there's a myth behind the myth. Don't you remember I gave you the myth in the first chapter? Why would I give it to you again?! Of course I had to make a crazy backstory (btw... kinda depressing to write about).

Toodles my readers!!!!! if any of you actually read this...


(p.s. don't forget to message me. I would love to hear your theories on this "secret" even without any hints... not that there will be for a while)
March 22nd, 2011 at 03:12am