Saucepans and Sexuality

So I recently stumbled upon a very, very, very old post of mine. It's from 2008, in fact. Practically a baby, in terms of life experiences. Just out of high school, into my first year in college. The year I had a lot of important ~firsts, the year I fell in love and the year I got my heart broken.

It's this post, by the way. I'm just seriously laughing at it, and past!me now.

Because no, I am straight no longer. College threw me into a loop of drunken hook ups, of both genders, and I realized how open I actually am to boobs and netheryeyas as well as cockadoodles. I say those terms because I'm not sure if being more vulgar is allowed, and being technical simply isn't as fun. So I kissed other girls too, and found that I liked it, and not only because I was drunk. I began crushing on female celebrities, and discovered I even had a type. I identified as bisexual.

Anddd theeeeeeeeen, I expanded my world knowledge a little more. I realized, once again, that my preferences aren't limited to boys and girls. I thought of every possibility and woah, I was open to anything. Everything. That's when I thought, hey, maybe I'm pansexual.

At least, at the moment. Currently I've stopped changing boytoys every month or so and gave it all up. I haven't been in anything that resembled a relationship since I severed one of the most serious ones a few months ago. I was over guys. I even almost kind of sorta maybe fell in love with a girl, though life sucks and it can't really come to anything. I'm not looking for anyone right now, though if I were I think I'd like to try something with a girl. I danced and got groped and made out with some guys last weekend and felt absolutely nothing. I needs to gets me to a gay bar.

So what does that make me? A lesbian whose fantasies are occupied by men? Bi, but preferring girls and open to other sexualities? Am I still pan?

I have no idea. And this coming from a girl who insisted she was completely straight little over three years ago.
March 22nd, 2011 at 05:03pm