Secs Sells and a large stack of books

Ah Mibba, how I have missed thee. With three shows on the go at once I've not had chance to keep on top of college as well as hobbies but there is light at the end of the tunnel! We finish two shows soon! Woot!

Anyway onto what I wanted to say...

Has anyone else ever noticed that It's amazingly and possibly embarrsingly true how much the idea of intimate relations can boost pretty much anything?

Infact i even had a journal on this very site reach 35 readers,none of which can say that they didn't see the title 'To have committed the act of love in the cinema, what is the world coming to' and thought, 'I wonder what that's about...'

Although whilst on this topic I did once get into trouble for this at school in year 9. As part of the schools system everyone before year 10 had to do a term of all technology subjects one including textiles, a subject I thoroughly enjoyed I can assure you *cough* lies *cough* anyway we had to make a poster to advertise the pencil cases we had made so I put in big bold letters across the top of the page "Free Porn, now that I've got your attention..." apparently she did not share my enthusiasm for this idea and it is enough to get a phonecall home.

On an unrelated subject, I have set myself the goal of reading the complete works of Terry Pratchett excluding the children's ones of course but all of the discworld novels atleast. As this stands at atleast 30 books I could be there for a while though and with my step-dad only owning around half it could also cost a few pennies to buy the others...

Anyway, anyone have any interesting series on the go at the moment?

As another thought, I've used a couple of words I'm not sure I can use. If anyone notices something I can't say could you let me know
March 23rd, 2011 at 01:42am