Things that piss me off.

Downloading the Internet on the wii takes too long. And Mario runs in a circle NOT breaking the bricks above his head.

Mario needs to learn manners and walk AROUND the effing goombas and junk. Why the hell would you JUMP on someone you don’t like just to get around? Seriously bro?
Also, wtf is up with the floating blocks? Is the sky painted on a wall or something? Or is it a product of the mushrooms?

And I was playing super Mario 64 yesterday and you know what the HELL was jumping around the basement!? Yes, I knew there was a rabbitt. But the bitch was mimicking the one from Alice in Wonderland.
...I hate that harreeeeeee

stupid having a bestfriend with the last name Abbott for like 12 years.

I hate people who talk really slow. It’s like… Think of what you’re going to say or just keep talking to fill in time cause I’m not good at paying attention! Especially you, teachers! Why do you think I fall asleep so much?

Jack Barakat and Holly Madison’s relationship doesn’t (didn't? I can't even tell) look too great. And at one point she yells that her gay friend won’t make out with her. Erm… Nice.
Plus he tends to hide behind her when he’s there on her show.

Rebecca Black. Need I say more?
No. Because the Internet already is being raped by her horrible autotuned ass.

I hate when you have a sexy picture of Alex Gaskarth shirtless as your background and someone takes your phone or iPod and thinks you’ve been sexting.
1. He’s a little too hott to send me things.
2. You should know who this is by now. You’ve spent enough time around me to know.

I hate when there’s a fuzzy kitty in your lap and your petting it and junk, then it leaves and you realize it left half of its hair on your pants.

I hate Bon Jovi.

My mother won’t let me go to Warped Tour with B.
I want to go more than anything, I was so motivated to do well in school and doing so well at everything else. Now I have nothing to look forward to except the beach with little kids.


Birds that can't talk. I hate them. Either converse with me or Stfu.

I really really get pissed off when you try to be friends with someone who's hurt you and they prove you mean shit to them over and over and over and over and over again.

I hate the strings on my ukulele. I hate them. The bitch goes out of tune like every ten minutes. All I want to do is sing Eff You by Cee-Lo, In the Jungle, and You Are My Sunshine. Is that so bad?!

The fact I rant so much lately. I can only think of negative things, only negative things are in my head. I was excited for the It Boys! coming back, but NO they have to come to effing Pontiac on a WEDNESDAY when we have SCHOOL at SIX THIRTY AM.
who does that? Seriously? Wish they'd closer over here, I promise the show would kick ass. Even though they're going with brokencyde... Baaarrff. :p

Oh! And again, Warped. I had it all planned out and money saved and I got my hopes up cause I was told I could go. No motivation for the summer now and Emily and B and possibly David can go and be all happy and I'll sit at home alone. Fuunnn
March 23rd, 2011 at 02:34am