Original Fiction Please? Numero Dos!

So my first shot at finding some more original fiction to my taste only gave me 2 stories and some good poetry...Still not enough to keep me a bit more occupied. I even went to the library and checked out 7 books. So while I have them to distract me, I'm hoping I can get a few more opinions on who writes good stories :-)

Things I do NOT want to read:
~Anything rated less than PG-13, although I would PREFER ones with the higher ratings.
~Slash-I love gay boys and girls (who doesn't?) but please, NO slash, I really don't like reading it-I'd prefer to just watch it. Thanks.
~Short stories
~Stereotypical scene stories-I don't have much interest or tolerance in kids who do drugs, slit their wrists, etc.. all the time in the story. Party scenes are fine, but I don't want that to be all that I am reading.
~Badly written stories-I don't want the chapters jumpy, or switching point of views all the time

Some helpful hints to go with your suggestions:
I prefer romance stories, and sci-fi. I love werewolves, and am okay with vampires depending on the writer. I don't really care for too much comedy, I prefer a bit more serious type things. I love babies, and as such, love when characters get pregnant and have a baby :-P I will read stories that are already finished-just throw them at me!
*Reminder: NC-17 is more my scene, but I will not ignore things as long as they are at LEAST PG-13*
March 23rd, 2011 at 11:50am