A journal about school and being forced to do something you hate.

So, in school today our form teacher told us we were going to have a “meeting” about what was bugging us about the course, and such. That we’d be able to talk about anything that was bothering us. Fair enough. I knew the subject of Jay/Niki(girls in my class who get in trouble alot) would come up. Because the principle would be there.

Which is fair enough. But all I could think about was no. This is unfair. I love everyone in my year, honestly I do. And I do not like the idea of having to talk about them. Because I care about them.

So anyhow we get to this thing and there’s one topic the entire class wanna talk about. Theres one particular teacher who just hates the class. But guess what?



It just wasn’t fun. All the while I sat there like, please dont let me have to talk about Jay but then I did. My principle asked about who told her to shut up one day when she was being all loud and such. Perrently it was the right thing to do.

So I said, “Like, I love Jamie and all sir, I do. But I could not take her gabbling on and on. Sorry Jamie.” And he was like. “You shouldnt be all like I love her and all blah blah blah”

Yanno what Tommy? If I want to say something about something that you’ve asked me about. Shut up and let me answer MY way.

And despite my feeling that the meeting would end up dividing the class in half. Somehow it managed to bring us closer together. >< We ended up playing Chinese Whispers while we waited for a workshop to start.

Right, I’ve been Kitty. And I’m done for now.
March 23rd, 2011 at 06:39pm