"You're not real." "We're as real as you."

Today wasn't great. I pissed off a close friend by being a total cunt, as per usual. However she still thanked me for a good night. Ahh friends, all forgiving and understanding. Another thing i'm not proud of is the fact that i lost control in front of you both. Scaring her, maybe you. I know i scared myself.
I always keep calm and controlled, simply so i can look after others and not drag them down with me. It was her voice joining the prison that pushed me over the edge, not simply the addition but the tone. It sounded hollow, empty, hopeless. A tone i'd only heard once before in her... a time i'd like to forget.
So i guess this is my way of coping, at least I'll never forget her. Maybe when the grieving porcess is over, her voice will drop from the ranks. Until then, things may be a lot harder. However i have loved ones to help me through, after all a wise woman once said "with my friends by my side i can get through anything, with you on my side we can destroy everything."

Thank you, for simply being who you are, and making me who I am.
March 24th, 2011 at 12:51am