I remember when FB was cool...

then came tumblr.

I remember when I would post my life on facebook. Literally. If someone said something hilarious: facebook. If someone did something hilarious: facebook picture/video. If someone had a great quote: facebook. If a song I liked was playing: lyrics + song name + artist name went on facebook.

I was a page in a book of faces.

And then came tumblr.

Now it's the same exact thing, except more entertaining.
And I actually keep up with some of the world part of the time.

Either way, it's highly amusing, very distracting (doesn't work when you have ADHD like I do), and very time-killing.

I told myself to gtfo about...three hours ago.
Those three hours have been spent on tumblr.

Anyone feel the same way?

You should follow my tumblr. ^^ in the link.
I'll follow back. Generally do. :)
Or give me something else to do (i.e. post a story, poem, etc. for me to comment on, if so, total comment swappage, yeah?)
March 24th, 2011 at 06:33am