My Healthy Mission

Yesterday I had my first cavity filled for the first time ever. They gave me this laughing gas stuff and lemme just say that I was having the time of my life! I couldn't stop smiling even though a crowd of people were drilling and doing all this other sh*t in my mouth. It was great. I should get cavities more often.

Anyways. I thought that I'd tell you guys a bit about my health plans, since yesterday I was all about my school plans. Basically, I'm on a mission to get healthy and stay healthy! I want to go to at least a couple survival schools, maybe even an army camp, and I need to gain some more muscles and stamina for my backpacking trips that I'm really looking forward to.

I've been trying to work out almost every day, but my stats have been skyrocketing in pretty much every direction. One day I might do 200 squats, crunches, and push ups combined with 300 jumping jacks and a half-hour run. The next day I might do 20 push ups and crunches, and a half-hour walk. I guess it could be worse, and I think I've been doing pretty well. I want to start lifting weights as well. I think I might start that today.

I have also been cutting back on the amount of food I eat. I eat when I'm hungry, and I stop when I'm full. That's pretty much all there is to it. You'd be surprised at the amount of things we eat just out of the cravings and taste for it. If you are willing to eat anything, then you're hungry. If you're craving a specific food, then it might just be that: a craving. I've learned to associate unhealthy cravings with healthy foods. This is the gist of it:

If you're craving salty foods, you most likely need to drink more water.
If you're craving sugary foods, you need to eat more fruit and vegetables.
If you're craving carbs, you need to eat more whole grains and legumes.

Since I started minding my food, eating all healthy stuffs, and doing my exercise (I started about 20 days ago) I have lost a total of 10 pounds. That's pretty darn good! I feel so much healthier and stronger. I'm working to get some abs now, haha. I can already sort of see a six-pack forming, but I've got a long ways to go.

I've also been seeing my nutritionist about some other things, mainly my back. She's pretty much an alternative doctor, although she doesn't like to be called a doctor... so I just know her as Katherine. She's amazing, seriously. She has talent and passion for what she does and I can easily say that she has been helpful to my life in many ways. She's gotten me on a diet that works wonders: no gluten, no wheat, no nuts, limited amounts of salt, dairy, and sugar. Several years ago, I broke my tailbone, and it's still been bothering me even to this day. The normal doctors all said that there was nothing I could do about it (unless I got surgery), but she knew exactly how to fix my problem: slowly moving the bones back in place and altering my posture. My entire spine feels better already! And to think, it was that simple.

There are other things I have started doing as well, mainly yoga and meditation, along with getting outside and getting more sunlight. All of this stuff combined has been extremely beneficial to my severe anxiety disorder, my depression, my suicidal thoughts, my OCD, my panic disorder and attacks, and even my paranoia! I feel almost like a new person now. It's not all happy rays of sunshine and rainbows, but it's pretty darn close.

So far my mission to get healthy has done wonders. To anyone who's willing to do it, I would say do it now and forever. If you treat your body right, your mind will follow right after. Don't let yourself feel deprived when making these healthy changes. It's exactly the opposite. (:
March 24th, 2011 at 03:55pm