No skwl for 2 days...

Actually it's NOT a holiday...I just stop going to skwl for 2's not because i got a punishment or scared because of some silly stuff at skwl,lyk bully or anything...I stay home because i need a rest...i mean da! i stay at skwl like almost 8-10 hours!!
smtimes if theres another lesson outside skwl time,it makes me staying at skwl for lyk 13 hours!! and even when i get home, i still have to study and study...there's almost no time for me to rest or chill out with Playstation 2 or life is soooooo busy and tiring...>.<
but well i guess staying at my place isnt really a good idea too...i mean it's pretty boring...all i can do here is: playing Playstation 2, Chillin' out with the computer, listening music, E-mailing, Blackberry messanger with my buddy, or text messaging or maybe chillin' out in front of the TV watchin' some shit...that's like sooooo boring (well smtimes...)
but smtimes when i'm really bored i think about Ruki-kun and some pervy stuff...(Yes you can imagine how pervy i am when im bored...well i think a lot of pervy stuff with Ruki...)
I'm kinda slutty when im bored...kinda...but well i'm not a slutty-sexy-bitch...i'm still is a normal girl...who like J-music...a lot!

March 26th, 2011 at 02:58am