Ah, I'm such a procrastinator.

Actin' funny, but I don't know why. S'cuse me while I kiss the sky.

I feel a little wired and jumpy. Trying to calm down a little bit by listening to some Jimi Hendrix, hence the picture. It's not doing much good though. It probably wasn't a great idea to drink coffee seeing as I haven't eaten much of anything, but it was delicious coffee. My grandma bought me some German chocolate cake flavored, gourmet coffee and I just had to try it.
I never really get caffeine highs and I'm glad I don't. This jittery feeling sucks. :\

Oh well, I guess I have energy to get something done around here. Ha ha i'm so lazy that it makes me tired thinking of things that I have to do and I'm fine with that up to a point, then I just have to do something. d:
March 26th, 2011 at 11:04pm