In Five Years...

(I know this is more of a poem, but no one ever reads my poems, so I thought I put it on here, just so people will read my stuff)

in five years i want to move to seattle

or serbia or atlantis;

;name my children after odd numbers

and teach them russian lullabies

and...the art of manipulating those you love.


in five years i want to marry you,

but i don't know if you like odd numbers,

or even if you like me all that much.

maybe you'd like me... if i tell you

that i'm a superhero, but i'm not

and you can always tell when i am lying.

in five years i want to be on a plane

and i want the plane to crash

into the ocean and i want everyone

to be okay except me,

but if i were...a superhero i would be okay too.

i could just fly away.

in five years i want out of this town.

in five years i want to be crowned king of lowercase letters.

in five years i want you to say,"you are the best thing that has

ever happened to me," and mean it.

in five years i want to either be dead or a musician,

but i really mustn't get my hopes up
March 27th, 2011 at 06:45am