Are Sundays really boring?/Stressful pimples

Why is it that almost every Sunday out of the week is uneventful? Or is it just me?
{CAUTION:Your about to read the pointless part of this journal,you've been warned}
Sundays for me are usually,very laid back,and pretty dull...that is until I turn on the t.v. and flip through the channels,and my remote control always seems to slow down when it get's closer to the 47 channel (Lifetime).Yes I don't know why,and I'm honestly starting to think that I'm the only young person who watches Lifetime,but Lifetime really keeps my attention.
Especially on "teen weekend",since their movies over exaggerate the whole topic of "teens".
I can't believe I just admit I watch "teen weekend",well this is awkward haha.
Reality t.v.{talk shows}
-Steve Wilkos anyone?
-Laura Bozzo?(I will completely laugh and adore the person that knows who she is haha:D)

She makes me proud to be a female haha :)
(I would post the picture,but I have no clue how to :( So I'll just leave you with the link ^ :)

Now getting to my real question:Is stress really the reason behind pimples,at times? I'm asking since,lately I've been dealing with stress,and ever since then I've been breaking out really badly.I've tried several products for this(Netrogena,Clean and Clear etc) but none of them seem to work.

1}What's one product that works for you when you break out?
2}How do you spend your Sundays?
3}What's one channel you watch,but never seem to change it ?
4}Thank you for reading my pointless journal haha :)
March 27th, 2011 at 10:22pm