Parents, Sister, Brother...... FAMILY TROUBLES

I know that most of you reading this will most likely say something like; "oh she is just being a drama queen" and get mad because i get mad at my parents like i do to those that come to me about their parent problems. well then i guess that you will have to stop reading this or read it and comment i really dont care right now because i have to let off some stream. I love my parents i really do but somedays i think of how others get what ever their want. i am the youngest out of 3 children and so i am the baby of the family. no one in my family listens to what i have to say or they blame it all on me. i am the good child, i have never sleep with a guy before (i know to must info sorry) i have never done drugs i only have one or two bottles of any drinks so i have never gotten drunk. my sister and brother could skip school and get away with where i have to ask to stay home when i am sick and my parents make me feel like that is bad and my marks are in the 80's so i can get figure out what i missed and get up to date wit everything but that doesn't seem to matter. I was always told that i was going to be the bad child out of the 3 because i was the youngest, the baby and the black sheep, i was told that i would do drugs and sleep around, cut classes, everything you can think of i was told that i would do that, so i have always had to show others that i would never be the bad child and to this day i haven't but when i need a break from school then it's always "well then you will fail school. i know that my family loves me but it would make me feel so much better if they would listen to what i have to say without being jugdemental. i have never got to go out to friends house over night, no birthday parties for me but my siblings got to do what ever they want. i dont find this fair but as soon as i bring things like this up then everyone just brushes it off. i dont think that anyone in my family has read my stories and when i asked my mom to she says that she is to tried to, for my dad it is because he will read it if it every gets published.... this has made me feel like i am nothing to them and it makes me feel very small, i dont really talk about my feelings because when i do then they laugh it off so i hold it all in no matter what i am feeling i hold it in and then they wonder why i yell att them for something so small as not cleaning my room or because i sit on my "fat ass and do nothing but work on stupid fariy tales that are never going to happen, that there is no such thing as a happy every ending." some times i thing that maybe i should just give up and become a slut/ drug user and the only way that i haven't is because i think about those that have it worst off then i do. i have also thought about killing myself but again i thing about my family and friend and what they would do without me here so i change my mind. i can;t tell anyone my true feelings my my cat, or i take it out in the stories that i am writing, and because i use sims 2, and 3 to help me with how i want my stories to go then i am again sitting to much on my fat ass ( not the worlds that were used but they are close) and i know again that there are many out there that have had it worst then me but i think that i am soon going to flip my lid and blow up into someones face, and i dont need this adding on to my stress from school, so to all parents out there: LISTEN TO YOUR KIDS AND THEN MAYBE WE WILL LISTEN TO YOU!

March 28th, 2011 at 05:24am