Venting to a friend... school is dumb. So is the ACT.

What I'm saying is...
Stuff like the math we are forced to learn pisses me off. Sure in college for being engineers we'll need to know algebra and whatever. But... Can't we learn more about money? Budgets? Statistics? The stock market?
And science! More biology, less chemistry. Biology pertains to everyone. We should know about our bodies especially. Like, I had no idea what fevers were until I took it. Now I know that if I wanna get better faster all I have to do is NOT take medicine so the germs will die faster. And cells. I didn't know why people died, I thought it was because we just stopped working. No! Its cause most of the cells in our body no longer function. That makes fucking sense.
Will I ever have to use a stoichiometry equation to find out how much potassium is left in a substance? Fuck no! I don't even care about it all I know is that it's in bananas. Do I need to atomic weight of everything on the periodic table memorized when I'm taking orders from a boss? I don't think telling her/him which elements are halogens will impress them enough get me a promotion.
Writing and reading, I get. We need to understand how to apply our language so we can all understand eachother. But lit? Who cares about old books! Shakespear is nuts and old books don't make sense anymore!
History and the world - yes. Okay.  Economics, yes. Civics, yes.
We need to know what money really is and where the fuck our cash goes when we buy our hamburgers.
But what I don't get... Why the hell do I need to know about radiation? About what temperature it is in Portland? (that was seriously one of the questions on the ACT! How the fuck am I supposed to know?!) about how to find out how to create a graph with hyperboles?
I remember things I hear wonderfully.
I can tell you a lot about a lot of people.
I can read people extremely well. I just chose not to do so with most friends.
I have really great application skills.
I can't express this on my fucking ACT. bubble sheets can't tell you how smart a person really is. Tests like that can only get you an outline if they're lucky; half of the kids that do poorly are actually pretty clever and some that do well were guessing on half of it.
The writing portion is the only real part of it that can give you an idea of how smart we are. It allows us to express our knowledge with opinions and facts we've gathered.
School needs to teach us that shit and make it required. I really don't care what the standard form of a quadratic equation is, but I know it. It's blocking room for important, relevant things to be remembered.
I can be extremely smart.
But I have a B average.
March 28th, 2011 at 05:24am