My friend wrote a story about me...

I can't even..

Chapter 1
Duck was sad becuz he getted kicked from holywoof undeck. So he stalkd dem all da tym. He wus so unhippy wen he fund out dey haz replaysed him fo some hawt gui. He also becam sexually frustratd. He spended all dai wackin it to pix of danneh boi. Aron wuz so pizza at dan fo takin hiz plays. But he feeled dan waz so sexay. So he finded him after da holywack undeaf concrete and pushed him against the walrus. He ripped hiz shit of and stuck his tung dawn his throte. Suddnly aron morphed into hiz tru form- a pony and he startz eating dan bcuz he tinks he mite be a carrot but he dusnt no so he licks his peepee. Den he heres jeffree screaming from behin hem ‘go duck go’ and aron bcums moar sexually frustrated so jeffree joinz dem and tey all has sex. Aron gets fuxed relleh hard bi dan wile he fuxs jeffee. Den jeffee and dan leav and aron isn’t a horse no moar. He cryz tearz of blud.

Chapter 2
One dai wile aron was galloping in a feld he sawed dan. So he galloped over 2 him and said hai~. Danny was like ur so kawaii. Aron wus like yew are too so dan ripped his horsey clothz off and stuck his weewee in arons poopychute. He humpd him realleh hard until aron was neighing relly loud. Suddenly aron was like we dont belong twogether so he pulled his disco stick out of his virgin poophole he was a virgin bcuz he neva met any1 like danne be4 and no one els feeled so rite but so rong so dan started cying and aron was like lev so he did and aron wuz human and he cryd moar tearz of glitterly horse blood

Chapter 3
aron becomed deprsed because james diener took his money and made him his bitch so aron lived on da streets but no one would fuck him because he was a horse. Sudnly one dai while he was eating a carrot under da moonlite he seen a car and in da cawr wus a totale hawt gui and he recoignized him and he was lyk omg dan wtf r u doing here!!! Dan got out of his cat and said I luv u duck lets run awai so dey ran awai and I hered if you listen relleh closely at nite you can stel hear the sand of a man singing here me nao wif galooping in the backrund I hop u luved mah storie of tru luv daron 4evaxx

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The terrible grammar was on purpose.. and apparently I'm a horse who cries tears of blood. Ok.
March 28th, 2011 at 10:53am