1. What are your personal and career goals for the next four years:
During the next four years I hope to be obtaining a bachelor’s degree in nursing while fulfilling my requirements to get into medical school. As a requirement for the Ohio State Nursing Program and as a personal goal, I would like o get my licensure as an STNA so that I may begin working in a medical setting. On a personal level, I would like to become a volunteer at either a hospital or another medical setting as well as continuing to tutor. In addition I would love to take advantage of some of the opportunities presented at Ohio State to study abroad.
2. What life experience or person has most influenced who you are today:
My dad has definitely been the greatest influence on the person I am today. With his quiet determination and drive and his constant ability to learn something from every situation, I accredit him very much with my drive to do more with myself and to be a better person. As I’ve grown up watching my dad constantly strive to do and be better, he has influenced me more through his actions that anyone ever could with words, and he has also shown me that every person has indescribable worth while each person can always learn, do, and be more than they are. My dad’s loving support and quiet determination to a lifelong goal of become a better person has inspired me to strive for perfection in my own life, though it is an unattainable goal, and to look at each situation calmly and with much optimism.
3. From your perspective, what has been the most significant science-related discovery in the past one hundred years and why?
It is difficult to choose any one scientific discovery as the most significant because science is such a broad field with many subfields; however, if I were to choose the most significant scientific discovery in the last century, I would probably say the discovery of DNA was very near the most significant. The discovery of DNA has allowed scientists to discover more about the structure and function of not only humans but also every other species of animal on the planet. This discovery has laid the foundations for science such as genetic engineering and disease prevention. In addition, the discovery of DNA has shed light onto areas such as the great debate of nature versus nurture in psychology and the possible evolutionary history of the human being. Discovering what DNA is has helped to improve the health and well-being of the world thus far, and I expect it to continue doing so in the future.
4. Students should enter school to learn and go forth after graduation to serve! How have you served others during your years in high school?
During my high school career my greatest contribution has probably been my participation in marching band. Though I have participated in several school activities such as National Honor Society and Students Making a Difference, being involved in marching band has allowed me to serve not only the community, but also my “teammates” and myself. For the community, the members of our marching band present a positive example with our positive attitude and dedication to our art while, hopefully, inspiring other with these traits. For my fellow band members, I serve by showing up and putting all of the passion and energy I have to give in each practice and performance. Finally, I serve myself by learning the importance of responsibility, dedication, hard work, and passion in the things that I do. Marching band has taught the very important life lesson that serving is about the good of everyone, and one can only truly serve if they have the right intentions and understanding of their service.
March 28th, 2011 at 01:08pm