I Want Your Opinion, Please

How would Martin Luther King Jr. feel about the world today.
answer: I feel he would be sick. He would have a negative outlook on the world because so many people choose to hate an entire race, when race doesnt even matter.

Glenn Beck is a smart man and I plead with you to read all or most of the following writing. This is Glenn Beck and Martin Luther King Jr's niece.

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GLENN BECK, HOST: Racism is not a white man's problem. It is not a black man's problem. It is not a Hispanic problem. Racism is a human problem. It is a problem that humans have had since the beginning of time.

I don't know when man decided that they could pit each other against each other to rule. It's wrong when any class — it is wrong when any color does it.

Martin Luther King tried to get people to unite. Isn't that what we should be striving for? What do we unite on?

We don't unite on color of skin because it's meaningless. We unite on character. It is our responsibility to protect the rights granted by God that, quite frankly, the Founders fought for. Did they screw it up? Did they have it right? No. Has any man ever had it right?

It's the same rights that Abraham Lincoln and blacks and whites fought for in the Civil War. Those were the same rights that King fought for.

Tonight, we're going to talk about those rights, individual rights.

And I'm also going to ask some tough questions about Dr. Martin Luther King, with — just one of the most wonderful people I know, Dr. Alveda King.

She is the pastoral associate at Priests for Life. She is a niece of Dr. Martin Luther King. She was there; daughter of King's brother A.D. King.

And Stephen Broden, he is a senior pastor at Fair Park Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas. He's also running for Congress in Texas.

First of all, did I get any of that wrong? Dr. King or Dr. Broden?


STEPHEN BRODEN, FAIR PARK BIBLE FELLOWSHIP: You got it right except for Dr. Broden. I'm just a humble servant.

BECK: You're just — OK. Well, I'm a doctor.

Column Archive•'Glenn Beck': What Would Martin Luther King Think of America Today?
•'Glenn Beck': Who's 'Bearing False Witness' About Health Care?
•'Glenn Beck': NAACP Takes Aim at Tea Party
•Glenn Beck Issues Challenge to America's Pastors
•'Glenn Beck': Liberation Theology and the Political Perversion of Christianity

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BRODEN: Of course, that's right at your university.

BECK: That's right. I know that drives them nuts.

Let me — let me start with where we started with in the monologue. Did the Black Panthers make the civil rights — was that a positive force? Did that make the civil rights movement with Dr. King, did that make that work?

KING: What happened with the Black Panthers then and now, Glenn — there are issues about justice and equality. Of course, everybody wants that and everyone should have that. But my uncle talked about love, conquering hate. He spoke of the unity that you talk about all the time. He talked about Protestants and Catholics and gentiles and Jews, black men and white men joining together.

You're not going to be able to join together if you're trying to kill each other.

BECK: Right.

KING: And so, the violence and the murder and the rage will never bring about the resolution that we need. Only unity can do that. And my uncle taught that.

BECK: Was — was he a communist?

KING: My uncle was a Christian. Certainly, the values that the Communist Party on paper talked about at the Socialist Party, it sounded really good on paper. But my uncle was not guided by those principles nor standards. When he talked about taking care of the masses, feeding the hungry, taking care of the least of these, that was from a foundation following Jesus Christ.

BECK: That's not social justice.

KING: Not political parties.

BECK: Right. That's not social justice.


BECK: And I guess the last question is: Al Sharpton said that Martin Luther King's dream was — well, he put it — not a black man in the White House. And that's true. I mean, that wasn't his dream either. But he said it wasn't — that wasn't his dream. His dream was about equal stuff in everybody's house.

Is that — is that even possible that that was a dream?

KING: That is not the dream. I ask people like Al Sharpton, or Julian Bond, or anybody that was saying that they knew what Dr. King's dream was, I just ask them to go back and visit it. My uncle wanted justice to roll down like water and righteousness as a mighty stream.

And so, that's totally different from economic justice and making sure that I have enough money and you give me your money. That's not what my uncle taught. That's not what he believed. As a matter of fact, he was a generous and giving man.

And so, he would have wanted equality. He would have wanted everyone to have enough to eat and somewhere to live. Of course, that's normal and real. But it's back to the principle of the least of these, caring for everyone. Everyone is our brother, one human race — out of Acts 17 — one blood. So, we are treating each other with dignity.

It's a human issue as you say. It's not about race or skin color. Those are irrelevant.

Our skin color is important because that's how we are born, but that's not what we're fighting for. We are fighting for unity, for love, and for justice. And that's what my uncle was about.

BECK: OK. So, let me — let me go to you, Stephen, on — because we talked this week on the program about collective salvation and social justice. So, I would just like to have a quick overview of collective salvation. As I read collective salvation, that is — that's from the other side. That ain't from God. That is demonic as the Pope said.

KING: Oh, yes.

BRODEN: That certainly isn't a biblical concept. The concept within the Bible is an individual, personal relationship with Christ. That means one comes to terms with God's assessment of who they are.

God makes a declaration that all men are sinners. And that sin separates us from God.


BRODEN: But then one has to make a decision — a personal decision — to accept the finish work of Christ at the cross that will bring him out of alienation and separation from God into a personal relationship with him.

Collectivism is a concept that is sourced in a doctrine that is anti- God.

BECK: OK. So, that's where — that's where people get screwed up with Dr. Martin Luther King when you say, oh, he wanted everybody to have a house and food and everything else. Of course, I do, too. We all do. That's something that we should strive for.

But the difference is, is when the government says — now, this is social justice.

BRODEN: Right.

BECK: When the government says, we'll make everybody equal with equal stuff. We'll — I'll take from you to give somebody else a house. That doesn't change anybody's heart. In fact, I think it makes it colder and darker.

BRODEN: Well, that's a perversion of the gospel. That's not what the gospel teaches, nor was that what Martin Luther King was in pursuit of. His dream — if you go back and visit his dream — his dream was about equal access to the American dream.

BECK: Right.

BRODEN: And the application of biblical principles connected with the founding principles giving us access to our ability to develop as best we can, individually.

BECK: I think —

KING: Glenn, you just said something — the heart. You see, the government — my uncle said, you know, you can't mandate someone's heart. You have can't make someone love me.

And so, we're required — that same thing, collectively, that the collective group is not going to have a hard decision, accepting the grace and the love of the Lord and then saying, I care about you. You're my brother. You're my sister. And so, you have to have a real relationship — first with divine and then with each other.

And that's what's missing in that social justice. Make people do this. Make people be right.

What about the heart? What about the circumcision of the heart?

BRODEN: It's tyranny.

BECK: Yes.

BRODEN: That's tyranny of the worst kind. That's the thing that the Founding Fathers was pushing back against. And as they developed a concept, or the principles within the Declaration of Independence and it starts with this idea that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. That's the starting point.

And the Founding Fathers were appealing to this fact that there is no distinction — and they used the word "equality" — between the haves and have-nots. We're all equal under law, not equal in terms of capacity. You know, I may be able to play the piano as a virtuoso. You can't. How do I make you equal there? I have a natural gift for that.

BECK: I might have to break both of your hands —

BRODEN: Right.

BECK: — and then we'd be equal at the piano.

BRODEN: And so, you know, there's perversion of the idea of equality. Equality as it is expressed by the Founding Fathers was equality under the law — under the law.

BECK: Right.

KING: And the Founding Fathers, people say, well, they had slaves. Some of them did. All of them did not. There were black Founding Fathers as well. And even the ones who owned slaves — President Lincoln prayed and said, "God, slavery is wrong and I believe it is. Let the north win." And so, in that prayer and in those who were actually owning people, they knew they were wrong. They knew it then and so we have to know that.

BECK: Slavery just turned into — and again, we didn't change hearts in the Civil War. And so, reconstruction turned slavery — you didn't have a chain, a physical chain, but you might as well have had a chain.

KING: That's right.

BECK: Because we didn't change hearts. And it turned into something ugly. We're still — we haven't finished the fight of the Civil War.

KING: That's right.

BRODEN: Well, here again, I think the beauty of the Founding Fathers is that they were flawed men. However, the concepts and the principles that they outlined for us, they are above, they trump the behavior —

BECK: Are you a perfect man?

BRODEN: I'm not a perfect man.

BECK: Are you a perfect man, Dr. King?

KING: I'm not perfect.

BECK: I'm far from perfect man. Name the perfect people.

BRODEN: And we're Christians and we're flawed.

BECK: Right. The idea is to take it and try.

BRODEN: Right.

BECK: Did your uncle lead the perfect life?

KING: My uncle and people talk about this and they write about it, and he says, you know, don't look at my life, you know, because you could compare me to David, say. You know, David got in trouble with the Lord. Paul killed Christians.

He says: We are humans. So, don't look at our humanity. Look at what we believe. Follow us as we follow Christ.

And he talked about that, and he says: You know, I made mistakes and I've had problems. But this does not invalidate the fact that we need to grace of a forgiving God.

And he talked about that individual and personal relationship with the Lord, which he had.

BECK: Right. OK. I have to take a break.

When I come back, I want to talk to you guys about reparations and how it ties to collective salvation, and paying for the sins of the father. And we just start there — in just a second.


BECK: Back with us: Dr. Alveda King and Pastor Stephen Broden.

And we're talking about the civil rights movement, we're talking about how it applies today and I want to talk about collective salvation — because the president has said over and over again in speeches, at graduation speeches, on the campaign trail, that all of our salvation is tied together — which lead you right to reparations and everything else.

Our salvation is tied together. There is a collective salvation that depends — that our individual salvation is dependent on the collective salvation.

Boy, I know I haven't read that the Bible. I know that is — I mean, that's not at all anything like what Jesus teaches. A, can you explain that? B, that it leads to really awful things, does it not?

KING: It does. Deception and that, say, a generous person invites us all, thousands of us to a big banquet they prepared. You're invited to the banquet, come, collectively, everybody come. Now, we all go.

But if we don't sit down individually at our seats and eat our meal, you're not going to be able to eat my meal for me. He won't. I must partake of it myself or else I won't be able to — you know, I went to the banquet, but I came away empty. I came away hungry.

And I'll die because I'll starve, because I did not take what had been individually prepared for me. That one meal is mine. And so, that's the way of our salvation. It only comes to —


KING: You must sit at the table, you must partake.

BECK: Isn't that? Doesn't plead you? Just that concept, understand that concept — doesn't that show you that God is a God of merit?

KING: Yes.

BECK: I mean, he will prepare a banquet for each of us. He's prepared a mansion for each of us. He's given us an opportunity, we all — we may not be sitting, you know, next to all the special people or whatever, but we're still at the table. But it requires us to pick up the fork.

KING: We have to pick up the fork.

BRODEN: Well, you got to understand biblically, the Bible says that all of us will have to stand before God and give that count individually. And he will measure our work as either wood, pay or stubble. You will not be able to stand in my stead for me, I have to understand in my stead before him and give an account of my life. That's not collectivism, that's individualism.

KING: That's right.

BRODEN: And that's what, I think, is lost in our conversation. But what we're seeing during is this, is that we're seeing an unholy mixture, strange fire, being added to the theology of the Scripture and it's a Marxist idea that's being blended in here.

And we must be very careful about that because Marxism, socialism, communism have one thing in common. They're all an anti-God system. They do not believe in God. They are attempting to create a utopia here on earth that is generated and fostered by mankind.

And the Bible says, put no trust in man. And they're attempting to achieve it through an egalitarian redistribution of wealth where everybody is equal, where they take from the haves and give to the have-nots. That's anti-Bible.

BECK: All right. So, this leads to — I will, I will — I will set things right. I will create just — you become the messiah in a way.

KING: I will adopt myself.

BECK: Yes. I will adopt myself. I will make justice happen — which leads you to reparations. Now, you both are actually for reparations.

KING: But, can we tell you what kind of reparation?

BRODEN: It's not the reparation as is being defined by the other side or the left side. So —

KING: OK. Well, reparations in that, there's enough in America; there's enough on the planet for us all to live peacefully together and have. It is not the responsibility of the taxpayers. You're a taxpayer, you're a taxpayer, I'm a taxpayer — we should not pay for reparations.

The harm should be corrected by the people who did the injustice and still going on today. There's a whole genocide movement today who's trying to sterilize, or abort, or eliminate certain members of the population. Justice Ginsburg made some statements that confirmed that.

BECK: Yes, hang on.

KING: So, it's these big rich companies who pay for genocide that need to stop. They need to repent.

BRODEN: Right.

KING: They need to stop killing and they need to start affirming life.

BRODEN: So, the focus is not on the government paying reparation. It's those —

BECK: And it's not about slavery.

BRODEN: — corporations.

KING: It's not about slavery.

BECK: No, it is about —

BRODEN: Exercises the injustice on a certain group of people. Just like Japan, or the Japanese in America received some reparations and Jewish also.

BECK: OK. When you say Ruth Bader Ginsburg recently made a revealing decision or revealing admission in favor of cleansing of America of unwanted populations —

KING: Right.

BECK: — by aborting them, you're talking about unwanted populations. That's amazing to me.

BRODEN: She wasn't talking about the white population.

BECK: Yes. I don't care what color they are.

BRODEN: Right.

BECK: I mean my son — my son could be classified as unwanted, he's adopted.


BECK: And that's abhorrent. You're talking about Margaret Sanger kind of —

BRODEN: Absolutely.

KING: Yes.

BECK: — where they — where she was targeting and they're still doing it.

KING: And it comes in all colors. That movement comes in all colors. It's not a color thing.

BECK: Right.

BRODEN: It's eugenics.

KING: Genocide and eugenics.

BECK: So, where does — is this a movement of reparations to make this stop? It's a penalty. It's not a —

BRODEN: Exactly.

BECK: It's not a pay me to get rich.

KING: No, it's a penalty.

BECK: It's a penalty.

KING: Yes, just a restitution.

BECK: Where does —

KING: Restore what you've done by all this genocide and murder and defamation.

BECK: OK. But let me ask you that — we have two minutes here. Let me see if we can drill down here because when you say you're for reparations, that word even just makes me nuts, because I — I didn't do it.

KING: No, you didn't.

BECK: I'm not — I'm not responsible. I don't pay for the sin of the father or, you know, in the cases of the great, great, great, great- grandfather. Reparations with BP, you're darn right. It's happening right now.

BRODEN: Exactly.

BECK: These people are here.

KING: Exactly.

BECK: They should pay.

KING: That's what we are saying. That's exactly — those who have done the real injury should be the ones to pay —

BECK: Today.

KING: — today.

BECK: But it's the ones who were doing injuries today.


KING: Today. And they could — they could fix it.

BRODEN: What we know biblically, Moses was instructed by God that the sins of the father shall not be transmitted to the sons.

BECK: Right.

BRODEN: So, the sons are not guilty of the father's actions, nor the father guilty of the son's actions. It's the one who is perpetrating the action that has the responsibility. The culpability is not with the government, as we have said.

KING: Right.

BRODEN: But rather, it is with those who are exercising that genocidal practice upon our community today. And there are — there is a eugenics movement that is still alive in America. And that group is the group that we're talking to.


BECK: You can't — you can't build good upon evil.

KING: Right.

BECK: And Planned Parenthood was built on evil.


BECK: I mean, that's a bad tree. The roots are bad. You got to pull the tree out.

KING: And that's who owes the reparations.

BECK: OK. Back in just a second.



BECK: Still with us is Dr. Alveda King, pastor associate for Priests for Life. She is the niece of Martin Luther King Jr. Stephen Broden, the senior pastor at Fair Park Bible Fellowship running for Congress in Texas.

First of all, let me ask you this. Alveda, I don't think we have announced this because I haven't talked to you personally, you know, face-to-face on this about announcing that you were going to stand with me on 8/28.

KING: Yes.

BECK: I stood about — I don't know — six weeks ago at the Lincoln Memorial. I would have never made the decision to do it had I lived in Washington and actually been able to stand there —

KING: Yes.

BECK: And looked at it. After we announced it, I went down and I stood on the stair where your uncle stood and I'm going to choke up just talking about it. It is — what meant through my mind was, "Who the hell do you think you are?"

It is such a historic place to be. People are saying now that I am trying to distort civil rights history. I'm trying to steal his legacy, et cetera, et cetera. Nothing of the kind. I'm going to be several stairs down from where he stood. Are you getting heat from people for even being on this program? Or — you are?

KING: Well, Glenn, I have been getting some heat, but I always answer that with the same force, the force of love. And when I bring that force back and I give — for example, when people say, "How are you going to go and be on that show?" I said, "Have you looked at Glenn's Web site?" "No." I said, "Go and visit the Web site. If you see anything on 8/28 that you don't like and you don't agree with, call me back.”

So they go into that and they say, "Well, really?" I said, "Have you looked at the show yourself?" "Well, sometimes." I said, "So really? Now go and read the end of the 'I Have a Dream' speech."

Martin had a dream that Protestants and Catholics and Gentiles and Jews, black men and white men, all people would join together. I said, "So how could Glenn be excluded from that opportunity?"

BECK: Wow.

KING: And still be answering what my uncle said? And they always stay quiet. I said, "My uncle loved me. He loves you." I mean, I said, "He's in heaven now with God, of course, my father, Rev. A.D. King and my mom, Naomi, who attended the speech with him."

And so people get very quiet. Tell me why Glenn Beck shouldn't do this? Tell me why Martin Luther King would agree that Glenn shouldn't do it? And there is no answer that because you should do it.

BRODEN: I mean, what better expression of the fulfillment of the dream than to have you take on that responsibility to stand before our nation and declare that the dream is still in motion. It's still in motion.

BECK: It always will be. It always will be. Man is never perfect. We'll always be making mistakes. The idea is not go backwards. You know, Al Sharpton was on this program. And he said — I don't want to denigrate the man. He has been very reasonable with me.

KING: Yes. And he can be.

BECK: He sat on the program and I kind of think he said it smugly in a way. He said, "Well, now, maybe some of the tea partiers, some of you people might understand what we've talking about."

I grew up in Seattle — the Seattle area. It's a small farming town. I didn't see oppression. I didn't see it and I recognize that. I have never been discriminated against.

The first time I saw real discrimination and real racism is when I went into the Deep South, maybe six, seven, eight years ago. And I was in a conversation and I heard these white people talking and I'm like, we all of a sudden in like a 1950s bad movie here? What the hell? What are you — it was bizarre to me.

KING: Well, Glenn, can I say this? If you think about it, my uncle, Dr. King, when he was a young boy, my father, A.D. King and his sister, they played with white kids in the neighborhood and they were very close.

It took the white parents to say to their children, "You can't play with them anymore. They're colored." And then there were freedom rides of 1961. Remember all that turmoil and the fight that they went through?

And that's why we are having the pro-life freedom rides now this year — as a matter of fact, next week, and so all of these activities causing people artificially to hate each other.

And that's what is coming against you — the artificialness of it. Well, we can't go and stand with Glenn because his skin looks like this. That's ridiculous. Or his eyes look this way and my eyes look that way. That's wrong. That's wrong.

BECK: I will tell you this. This is such a moment in history because Al Sharpton was right. I couldn't relate to it. I still can't relate to it.

You know, I say to people all the time, "You have not received a baton to the head. You have not had somebody hose you down or stick dogs — you have not had a separate water fountain." None of us have. That looked like me. We haven't had it.

BRODEN: But you don't have to go through it to understand it and know that it is wrong.

BECK: No, no. But there is a difference. I understand that. And I have known that it's wrong and I have tried my best my whole life to stand for what I think is right. But there is a difference on seeing it first hand and going wait, wait, wait. Injustice. This isn't — wait a minute. What are you doing?

KING: Yes.

BECK: When you see what is happening with the DOJ and the Black Panthers, you're like, wait a minute. And in a very small way, I think people — a lot of Americans are seeing for the first time, firsthand, real injustice. And I go back to what I think Moses heard from God. And I will harden pharaoh's heart.

KING: Yes.

BECK: This is an opportunity to really bring people together, because, now, both sides in varying much greater different degrees. But both sides can see it and go, oh, my gosh. Let's wipe this out.

KING: Yes.

BRODEN: Well, you got that in nicely — Moses and the hard heart of pharaoh. The hard heart of pharaoh made it known to the nation of Israel that they were not in a good situation. If his heart was not hard, they would have wanted to stay in Egypt.

But because God juxtaposed that hard heart to where they are and what they were really experiencing, it broke the deception. And I would submit to you today that America is under great deception.

This is what Paul says in Colossians 2:8, "See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and into deception according to the traditions of men and the elementary principles of the world rather than of Jesus Christ."

We are in a situation where I believe the liberal progressive left in America is forcing a godless doctrine down our throat. Now, we're recognizing what it is and that juxtaposition is causing us to stand up now.

BECK: You know what? The other great thing about hardening pharaoh's heart is the people, the chosen people if you will. When they got it -

BRODEN: They got it.

BECK: They got it and they recognized it was God that set them free.


KING: Yes.

BECK: Too many people — because the other side as well, the tea party side as well.

KING: Yes.

BECK: We'll fix it through politics.

KING: No, you are not. They're not going to be able to fix it.

BECK: You're not going to be able to fix it. It will only be God. Back in just a second.

BRODEN: You bet.


BECK: We're here with Dr. Alveda King and Pastor Stephen Broden. You know, I want to — this Friday, I'd like to give people — I'm not usually really good at the hope thing. I want to give people a little bit of hope.

We were talking in the break about miracles that are coming. I don't know — if you watch the show every night, I don't know if you remember — I don't remember when it was. But I said on the program — and it just kind of spilled out of me.

And I said, "Mark my words. You will see mighty and powerful miracles in your lifetime." And now, I can tell you that I know that is true and I think they are already starting to happen.

But you have to look for them at first. But I mean real miracles are around the corner in this country. One is — you know — I know you talked about your freedom rights for life.

I have been speaking at pro-life groups a lot. And you know, being pro-life has always been — you've got to be pretty hard core to put up with what you have to put up with if you are pro-life, quite honestly.

KING: That's true.

BECK: Then these people and people like you, guys, both have been working on this for a long time. And I can tell you that I have been speaking in front of some of these groups and I can feel it, that, prepare — you guys have tilled the ground.

But prepare — things are coming and people are coming. There is just a change that I feel like we're on the precipice of. Do you feel that?

KING: Well, I do feel it and I see it in the people. And I see hope. I see promise. People are — for lack of a less — a more spiritual word, more positive. And so when you're approaching people and you are saying that we need to care about each other. There needs to be more unity. There needs to be more love.

God has given us a new anthem in the pro-life movement called "The Least of These." The word "abortion" is not in the anthem. It's going to be released at pro-life freedom rights next week, Jubilee Fest this summer. We're going to sing it for you. I believe you've invited us.

But it just talks about the least of these. And so we've been forced through issues like Katrina, what happened in Haiti, now with the oil spill. People are having — that is a miracle that people's hearts are turning back, first to God, and then to each other and to really care about other people. I believe that's a genuine miracle. I really do.

BRODEN: Right. All right. I think you are dead on, Glenn, that we are people of hope. And that means — the Greek word for "hope" is "elpída." "Elpída" means a future expectation of something good is going to happen.

And in the midst of what we're seeing and, listen, we as believers do not determine what we do based upon what we see, but rather on who we know. And so we walk by faith and not by sight.

And so our expectation is that something good is going to happen. And it's manifesting itself, I think, through what we're seeing in the tea party movement.

These are Americans who are standing up, exercising a right that they did not know or exercise in the past and that right is free speech and to be engaged in the rescue or the exercise of their liberty. We, the people, are now starting to recognize a stewardship responsibility. I think that's a miracle. It's a miracle.

KING: Can you think why the NAACP is wrong for saying that the tea party is — can you talk about it?

BECK: Yes. I'll tell you what — let me take a break because I'm up against a break. So let me take a break here and let me just say, because we'll get into it after the break. Unless you are running against Jesus, I hope you are the victor in Texas. Gosh, do we need a man like you in Congress.

KING: Oh, yes.

BECK: Back in just a second.

BRODEN: You bet.


BECK: Final moments now with Dr. King and Pastor Broden. And what we're talking about is the real civil rights. And we're talking about — what the principles were that we fought for in the American Revolution, the civil war and with Dr. King.

We are never going to get it right but it's our job to strive to get it right, to get it better each time. You wanted to talk a little bit about the NAACP and the tea party.

BRODEN: Well, you know, I think the NAACP is not being honest in their assessment of the tea party. I don't think they are. The tea party is just an expression of a First Amendment right, the freedom of speech.

And that right applies to them just like it does to the NAACP. They have a right to stand up and to make an observation concerning this administration, whether they are doing governance the way it was intended and designed within the Constitution and in the expectations of the Founding Fathers.

And I think it's wrong to label them racist. That is a divisive attempt on the part of that organization to drive a wedge in our culture because people are standing up, exercising their First Amendment right. That is wrong.

BECK: I don't think the tea party is about Barack Obama.


BECK: It's so much bigger than that. I know because I'm one of them.

BRODEN: I'm one of them.

BECK: I was angry at George W. Bush.

BRODEN: I'm one of them.

BECK: Yes.

BRODEN: I'm in the tea party.

BECK: I mean, it's Republican, it's Democrat, it's both of them.

BRODEN: Right.

BECK: It is small government — small government. Are there some racists there? I'm sure there are. Are there racists at this building or at CNN or MSNBC? I'm sure there are, because it's people.

BRODEN: There are certainly some in the New Black Panther Party.

BECK: Yes.

BRODEN: There are racists over there.

BECK: Right.

BRODEN: And if we're going to call racism what it is, then NAACP need to be saying something specifically about them, because that statement was absent of a contemporary current event of a statement made by the Black Panther Party. I think that is a — it's deceptive and it's an attempt on their part to drive a wedge in our country.

BECK: All right. So —

KING: I just wanted to mention. I'm not a tea partier because it just happened at a time I stepped back from the political parties and began to pray. And so I'm praying for all my friends in the tea party. And I just pray and I pray and I pray.

God is not a Republican, a Democrat or a tea partier. But we've got to have God in tea party. And I just happen to believe that you do.

BRODEN: I think this is an opportunity to say what the tea parties are really about. It's about returning back to the founding principles. And there is a book by Matthew Spalding called "We Still Hold These Truths."

And he talked about returning back to the first principles and the first principles. And he gives 10 of them and I just want to share those 10 if you don't mind. Liberty, equality, national rights, religious right, consent of government, private property, the rule of law, constitutionalism, self-government and independence.

Those are ideas that made America one of the greatest nations in the world. Exceptionalism flows out of those principles. We need to return back to it.

I believe the remedy for what we're facing in America today is to return back to those founding principles, to teach them to our children, to resist Dewey's idea of socializing kids as opposed to educating kids. We need to do that.

And that means, we, the people, the tea party and the NAACP and other organizations returning back to those principles. And I think we can rescue America and put it back on track.

BECK: OK. So let me go here because I know that these — I know it's something of a coincidence that the NAACP comes out and says that. The DOJ is, you know, filing suit in Arizona.

The Black Panthers come out. They are poking, poking, poking, poking, poking. They need people to react. They need anger in the streets. They need — I mean, I'm going to — you think it's been a tough week on this program this week?

You wait until next week and I'll show what we're working on next week. I'm going to show you their blueprint. I'll show you where it came from, what they're doing and why they're doing it. And the secret is they need a race war or any kind of war pulling each other apart. Divided we will fall. They know it.

BRODEN: That's Saul Alinsky.

KING: Exactly.

BRODEN: That's the rule for radicals. They're sowing discontent and moral confusion. If we would just stop for a moment and take a look at what is happening in America, there is discontent and there's moral confusion.


BRODEN: When we say moral confusion, that means they're turning away from the Judeo principles.

KING: And their tactic — their tactic is division and fear, so love answers to that. I really want to speak to the New Black Panther Party, NAACP, all of the listeners, no matter what political party you are in. Take the more excellent way. Take love. Answer the division and fear with love.

BECK: People will say that these people are militant. They are going to — they're destroying our country. I say, let the lord be your weapon and your shield.

KING: The love of the Lord — the love of the Lord. Boldly proclaim the love of the lord and let that be your weapon. And resist hatred. Resist division. Resist it with love because love conquers hate and love never fails.

BECK: It is an honor to know you. It really is. It really is.

KING: Thank you.

BECK: And Stephen, amen, brother. Amen, brother.

BRODEN: Amen to you.

BECK: A real founder. A real founder. Amen to you.

BRODEN: Thank you so much.

BECK: Amen to you.

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March 29th, 2011 at 01:40am