I need to say it once.

Dear Almost Journal...

I haven't sleep in 3 days. I haven't done anything in weeks, I just stay in my room listening to music or reading; is not that weird, but it's not that fun.

I mean, I don't do homework or worry about school anymore. Not trying to say "OMGZ MY BF DONE M3 AND I WAN'T TO, LIKE, DIE"

I just don't give a fuck anymore!

I'm going to be a writer!... I won't kill myself until someone genuinely likes my writting!

I have explain to my sister and my mom why I really want to be a writter (My only dream since I was only 8 years old) but they keep saying writting is not a wealthy living career (But if all the other girls at my school want to be pop star or an actress and marrying Justin Bieber, "they should follow their dreams"), that "people only buy British or American books, they thing Mexicans don't writte because we spend all day eating tacos!", that if my dad was still alive: he will agree them.

The bad news is, they're right. In every single thing.

I don't really miss my dad anymore. He wasn't really a nice person...

Today. I haven't do anything either. I spend all day planning my novel. Is not good: its about two serial killers, my friends think I'm an idiot for spend so much time writting it. Fuck them. I only talk to them because I'm sick of being the school lonely creep.

I spend w-a-y t-o-o m-u-c-h t-i-m-e at my head. Since always. Sometimes I just wanna get back to reality and actually do something important at the real world. I get back to normality only 5 minutes later.

People go extremley desperate for being part of something special. That thing to me is, literature. Fuck mega-super-stars.
March 29th, 2011 at 01:49am