I Want To Live For So Much More...

Is that so bad?

I don't want to be stuck in one place for too long. I want to be a roaming, exploring, picture taking, having fun, care free girl. Is that too much to want?

I have decided I want to major in Photography in college. I want to travel the world and take beautiful pictures. Pictures inspire me to travel, I want to be able to look at a picture of a place and say, "Oh, I was there too". Pictures sort of call too me, even just taking pictures of people, I have been doing it since I was in middle school, and I swear its the one thing I am good at. i love doing it too, it's relaxing, and invigorating. It makes me happy when i take a picture, and then when I print it and look at it, its like i brought life to a piece of paper.

Of course, my grandmother, wants me too "keep my options open". I mean sure if something else comes along that interests me sure, I'll be open to try it. Yet right now, I can see myself going to school for Photography. My grandmother would like me to do something that makes me money, and i understand in todays society you need money to do alot of things. But to be completely truthful with you, I rather be hanging on, and happy than, perfectly standing, and dragging my feet everyday.

I want to see the world, bring it home with me. Fall in and out of love a few times. I want to meet as many people as possible and I want to just have a genuine smile on my face when I go through out my days. I dont want to feel like I am forcing myself to get up in the morning, and I dont want to have to put on a fake happy voice when I talk to people.

My family has been in the same place for decades, and I don't want to be here in the future. I want to be able to send postcards, and pictures to the people here. I don't want to end up like my family, because I can see how unhappy they are. I want to travel for awhile. Then come back to the U.S. and settle down and have a small family, and end my days sitting on a porch, watching my husband trying to keep up with the grandkids as i take pictures. Cheesy I know, but that's what I want to do.

Now, I know it wont be so easy, and I'll struggle, and fall on my face on the way, but I am up for the challenge. I want to live for it all.

I want to live for so muc h more....
Is that so bad?
March 30th, 2011 at 02:50am