You Know What Would Be Great.

You know... It would be great if people, mainly my family, didn't forget about me, or even just thought about how I might feel in a situation, every once in a while. But no. At the moment everyone is at the hospital with my sister waiting for my new nephew to be born. Guess where I am. At home. All alone. It's not like I wanted to be there or anything; ya know. (Note the sarcasm)
But I guess as long as my mom is happy and gets to be there, how I feel doesn't matter. Calling me and telling me about him once he's born is totally just as good as getting to hold him. Why would I want to do that when I can sit and listen to her be happy holding him? Yeah I most defiantly want to be sitting here right now all alone while everyone else is waiting for him to be born. So yeah. I'm just gonna sit here, all alone, and continue blasting angry music; waiting for my mother to call me and tell me all about my nephew who I don't get to see.

Have a nice day whoever is reading this :)
March 30th, 2011 at 06:53pm