Time still passes.

As the water dripped from my face, I watched over you as you lay there on the cold, wet, cement. I thought about what you might have thought before you left, before your life was over. I wonder if you gave any consideration to what might happen when someone found you like that. I wiped my face, I felt like I was crying, but I couldn’t tell if it was just the rain, or fleeing tears. You looked so empty, your face was like cold stone, yet it looked so soft I thought it might whither away if I touched it. I felt so hurt, because I didn’t hate you for leaving. You looked so peaceful in death, so care free, and the thought that you were in a better place made your leaving easier to understand. I don’t have any way to tell you now, that you were right, or wrong. I don’t have a way to let you be the person I thought you could be. I’m sorry you had to go, but I understand now, why you did.
March 31st, 2011 at 11:08am