Test + assignment + essay = DEAAATHH!!!!!

okay so the past few weeks at school we've had like. Tons of tests/essays right ?

Theyre pissing me off now! Especially my geography work.
So 'dis bitch, puts me on detention for being sick, then tells the class we have a project where we go down to a place and 'interview' the people who live there.
How stalker?
''oh yeah hi, I'm a bisexual 15 year old adolescent boy, do you want to do a survey for my school project ?''
No they will not want to do a fackin survey and tell me what they don't like about living there?! Goshh !!

I'm stressing mann :P these are hard.

Then it was all awkward in history today when my teacher and 3 other kids were joking about homosexuality. And he says
'would anyone like to come put while were at it'
And like 3 people looked at me, and I'm like
'Beeeitch pleaseee!!'

Hes a great teacher though :P

So that is all for now :)

('")PawsUp("') love you gagaloo<3
March 31st, 2011 at 01:04pm