Am I weird? I'm so confused

anyways where do I begin?
I feel like I'm all weird when it comes to dating and stuff. Ever since coming to university, I feel like I want different things than I used to when I was a bit younger...
I'm almost 20, I want an honest relationship with someone genuine who likes me for me. That would be nice.
But on the other hand, the thought of getting into a relationship again is quite terrifying :S What if he turns out to be a complete douche bag? What if he realizes he made the worst mistake by going out with me? etc etc. those kind of thoughts run through my head sometimes.
I also have this thing where I feel sad whenever I like someone because I feel like it'll just end badly like the last two :S
I also try to make myself not like them in the fear that something will go wrong and everything will just get weird and i'll lose a nice person because something went wrong and yeah...
I'm still a virgin, I'm trying to hold out for someone I can trust and who'll love me (I realize that this sounds kind of lame), and I guess that's another reason getting into a relationship scares the hell out of me.
I'm really weird aren't I?

I'm so confused right now. There are these 2 guys from uni, but they're 2nd years (I'm a freshman)...and yeah, they're really nice. I have fun with them when we all go out partying. I like them both, but i'm not so sure those feelings are reciprocated, which pretty much always happens to me...
One, I talk to quite often. we have good conversations, he makes me laugh, he teases me, we have good banter. He's really nice and smart and the most awesome dancer I've met (i'm attracted to dancers haha) , but yeah, I'm not so sure he likes me back.
The other guy, well i was pretty sure that he didn't like me...he also makes me laugh, he has the cutest smile and also a nice guy...but yesterday, it was kinda odd, he and his flatmate were talking about the girls that they found good looking in the club we went to, and then all of a sudden he says that i was the "nicest looking one there". So yeah, that kind of threw me a bit and now I'm not sure if he likes me or no...maybe I'm just reading into it too much.

I am sooo confused.
April 1st, 2011 at 02:32am