"Four girls walk down the stairs, but how many reach the lobby"

Hey guys... before I start, I know I am absolutely horrible! I said I would get this next chapter out, but I haven't. Why, not only because I'm mean, but because I'm very easy distracted. What was I distracted by? As my math teacher would put it, starts with "pretty" and rhymes with "smittymittlemiars"

For those of you who have seen the TV series or read the books, you guessed it PRETTY LITTLE LIARS. I originally hadn't seen either, but my friend wanted me to watch an episode with her and I got hooked. Then, after everything with horseback riding (which is cancelled AGAIN until the weather chills) I decided I should read the books. Well... that was a HUGE mistake on my part.

Before I rant, I am so sorry to those of you who loved the books. I prefer the TV series. Why? After all it is nothing like the books. And that is why I love it.

The series revolves around a taunter known as "A" haunting these four girls (who have VERY dirty secrets) after the disappearance of their friend. The eight books revolve around finding the truth. They are addicting and packed (and I mean OVERFLOWING) with drama, twists, and suspense. They are very difficult to put down. Hence why I finished the last two tonight instead of doing something productive.

Here's my debate question for those who have read it:

In my opinion the ending didn't really match. It came out of no where and seemed like she couldn't really tie it all together like we all thought she would. Do you guys agree?

Now don't tear me apart for not liking the ending. I avoid "gothic" books because I enjoy happy endings. I won't be the first to admit I'm a control freak, but I don't mind a good twist. This author's ending seemed like an amateur attempt at a truly prophetic and deep ending. It just seemed to miss the mark.

But on to the FUNNY part of my evening.

So I spent it reading, and watching new episode of big bang theory (anyone get the quote from this entry? From this new episode). But while I was just through half of the seventh my parents had left to walk the dog. Now, I tend to be paranoid being home alone, but I'm usually fine when I'm so emmersed in a book, or else I put on the TV or radio. Well... not today. I was a bit edgy because the book kinda sets the reader on edge, then the phone rang. It was just a friend of my dad. So that was fine. But on the way back to my room I heard this knocking. I was so freaked out. I booked it to my room, grabbed my phone, dialled 911 and waited over the talk button. I then proceeded to listen to this knocking/banging to try to figure out where it was coming from.

I determined it was either something knocking on the back window or the window in my parents room. Proceeding with my phone, I peeked out my room, which lines up clearly with the back window. I saw nothing. So I look at my mom's room, and I see a bird through itself into the window with a firmiliar bang. Now I watch the birds around my house, since i love birds, and I didn't recognise the species. All I know is that it had a bright red beak. Then it starts tapping and I recognise the sound as the tapping I've been hearing. The bird was pranking me. I walked over to it, and was surprised it let me walk right up to the window. Had I not been so distracted about PLL I would have seen so much more in that little bird's eyes. He looked right at me, just stood for a moment. Then flew off in a blur or red. It was amazing.

As for the PLL books, I swore the cover of the last book said it was the finale/conclusion, either of those two, but apparently there's a ninth? PLL "official" website agrees. I think this had gone too far and don't plan to read it personally. I wish I would have stopped earlier. My friend will undoubtedly read it. They might get me to read it, then again they might not.

Well... that's my story for tonight, but give me your thoughts on that "finale" thing in the books. I'd love to see how you guys saw it. As for GoF I'm going to work on it this weekend, since it's a long weekend for all of us (rare chance all the schools get a PA day tomorrow woot!)

April 1st, 2011 at 05:14am