okay so i was walking to kianna's when u know wat i saw it was a squirrel and the thing i thought of is gir in invader zim going i saw a squirrel and i started thinking more about gir and i realized i wanted a cupcake and chocolate bubble gum odd right so when i get home i look for the cupcakes i made and they were all gone gone i tell u!!! i am so pissed i was like who ate my FU**ING CUPCAKES UR GONNA FU**ING DIE and my mums 'I ate the last one' and im like okay dont take my phone i didnt know it was u and she pulls a cupcake from behind her and im like cuppycake? with a puppy pout shed hands the cupcake and i run to the corner saying my cuppycake grrrrrrr.... now alls right with the world :)
April 2nd, 2011 at 01:42am