
Some party. One friend being carted off by his parents for being way too drunk. Another upsetting two girls at once, and me having to deal with their incessant whining afterwards. One girl crying on me for at least half an hour as i assured her that just because someone cuts, doesn't mean they'll kill themselves. Pushing away the whore that was pretty much trying to get into the pants of every guy there. Getting into none. Lastly having to physically carry a drunken girl down the street to stop her getting beaten, and then having ti restrain another girl for the same reason as she punched kicked and bit me. Made a new friend though, due to our need to find another sober person.
This then lead to my decision to leave, after returning home and trying to calm down. Not to lose my patience at all the stupid teenagers getting upset for no good reason, to not get angry at those being unnecessarily loud and annoying and to try and sleep. To no avail.
Getting a text saying a friend had overdosed because of some guy. Yet people wonder why I don't do commitment.
So I decided I couldn't take the drama anymore without lashing out and vanished. Releasing the captives inside my mind. Everything else is a blur. Waking up to a painful head and an empty phone inbox and sentbox. I decided I's forget it. Although now they're ranting at me, several different stories. Lies, all of them. I'm sure.
So I may release them again sometime soon, as this all getting somewhat too much. I know if i do, with so much time until my body needs sleep the consequences could be fierce. Fuck it, I can't be bothered with consciousness anyway.
April 3rd, 2011 at 04:25pm