So my band sold all of our tickets, earned $100, and passed level one in Battle of the Bands...

So my band sold all of our tickets, earned $100, and passed level one in Battle of the Bands...

Very long title, but I made so hopefully people would look. My band consists of intellectuals who care about music. We're very.... different, but old sounding. Maybe like us on facebook and hear how we sound another time when we actually have stuff up?
Cloud Nine anyone?

Thank you. :)

I was so nervous before playing. Extremely, I had to sing to myself to keeo myself from shaking. We managed to sell 50/50 tickets, beating the other band we wanted to squash - we're friends with them, but competition is always a good thing.
The other bands were actually good, for the most part. Last time I was there, a good handful were bad, but at that point, I wasn't playing then.
April 3rd, 2011 at 05:51pm