*Sunday Book Suggestion* Vampire Kisses series~

Ok, so I decided to do this, sense a lot of people want to know what I'm reading right now. This is the first time I've ever done this, so hang in there with me.

Ok, so my first suggestion is the Vampire Kisses series. It's a series about a goth girl, Raven, who wants to be a vampire and lives in a dull town filled with uber-preps. She's only got one friend, and shes a little soft spoken farm girl who also has no friends. One day, the old creepy mansion up on Benson hill is being re-moved into by a mysterious Romanian family. On Halloween night she decides to pay them a visit, being the only person to come to the mansion to trick-or-treat, and is greeted by a boy about her age, dashing in his goth attire. She's instantly flabbergasted. She gives him a full sized snickers bar and a little plastic spider ring, welcoming him to the neighborhood.

It gets really good, although each book is painfully short. It seems like theirs not enough detail, or something. The writer didn't spend much time on inner thought.
All in all, I like the series, and if your into vampires, you'll be into this. :)
I give it a 7/10.
April 3rd, 2011 at 06:08pm