
Dear me,
Where have you gone. I am lost in this world where nothing makes sense.
"Where is my mind, see it swimming"
I took a deep breath and plunged down deep. Into the depths of my psyche and all I found was a stone. So I took it in my hand and made it a diamond. All the stresses and pressure around me collapsed into the center making a beautiful thing come forth.
"Some of them want to be abused"
Still trying to make heads of all the confusion. I try to keep it sane but that's no fun. I crave the excitement...
- Jay
A Little about myself for all the wonderful readers out there:
I am currently 19 trying to figure out how to make it on my own. I was kicked out of my parents house for refusing to take medication for my anxiety and depression. I think I can survive without them.
Also I think it's important to know that I'm gay. Whatever your opinion of that is okay with me. My parents don't agree but they have no real reason not to. It's one of those "Because" situations. They are Christian so that is part of it, but they aren't throwing the bible at me.
Because I don't have my own place yet I'm staying at my current boyfriend's family's apartment. It's nice because i get to see him every day. But under it all i sort of feel like I'm imposing even though his mom said it's perfectly fine until i find my own place.

Well that's me and my strange head.
April 4th, 2011 at 12:50am