
Girls, I want you to try and relate with me, please! Guys, well, you'll probably read over this. I am so fucking tired of guys at my school literally only liking a girl for her body. My friend, well call him Tyran, took a poll on Facebook and said he looks for a girl with a nice ass. Its like, really? She could be stupid, ugly, have a terrible attitude and personality, but if her ass is fine you'll date her? I HATE THAT. I FUCKING HATE THAT. I mean, there are so many amazing girls at my school that are my friends who get turned down because 'She's got a flat chest.' or 'No ass, no deal.' or some shit like that. Maybe, just MAYBE if guys at my school stopped being douchebags then girls would feel better about themselves. I'm thanking them right now so I can know what guy is a jerk and what guy isn't. Like Kayne West said: Let's have a toast for the douchebags, let's have a toast for the assholes, let's have a toast for the scumbags. Seriously, I know 'boys will be boys' but its seems likes they're all hiding in estrogen with these emotions. [Yes, I did that on purpose.] Its men like this that make girls wonder what's wrong with them, honestly. This was just some steam I had to vent. I know there are guys who aren't like this and I'm grateful for all of you guys. Make sure if a girl asks if she looks okay you tell her she always looks beautiful, point blank. We love that.
April 4th, 2011 at 10:30am