feeling unreal.

Ive been feeling mega weird, as in im not thinking or mentally all there. Its weird and is starting to annoy the monkey butts outta me.
Physically im there but my mind isnt and im not even thinking about anything productive or interesting, im just going over converstions in my head or thinking about, some freaky shit, and by freaky shit i mean, life,death,blood,pain,WTF!!!!
I sound like an attention seeking whore, but everything is just so abnormal and surreal......nothing seems real, my parents, my friends, not even me.
Im gonna be starting 6th form in a few months and im not even prepared, im still living in the fantasy that nothing is going to change and that im going to be 15 forever and never change.......................urgh this is weird.

April 4th, 2011 at 08:39pm