Script Frenzy and Stuff

So I just went threw some comments on old (and deleted) journal entries of mine.
Question: This is a 'Journal' entry correct?
I am only using this journal to share thoughts and opinions (or updates) with anyone who might actually give a flying fa-doodle. I really don't care if I didn't capitalize ALL of my 'I' s or use correct grammar in my journal.
Really, I try my best.
So if your one of the few people who were saying my NaNoWriMo idea for last year sucked (i did change it in the end) ,or that you were mad about the lack of correct capitalization, spelling, and/or grammar. Are you happy?
I thought NaNoWriMo was about having fun? well, guess I was wrong.

Sorry about the rant, but I had to let that out- now for the real reason I'm typing.


yes, its that time of year again!
My script is about a band (Misty, Lola, Karter, and Zack) with out a singer. they are amazing ,but they need their bands voice. So, they all decide that after a gig they would head out on a road trip to find there perfect singer!
I really love the Idea and the characters at the moment- the only thing that would make it better would be for my keyboard to work better (


At the moment I'm in such a moody mood.
I'm depressed one day, then so happy the next that I can't stop smiling.
Its pretty funny actually...

Well, have fun, stay strong, and keep moving on,
April 5th, 2011 at 12:23am