'On Death and Dying' and what it makes of us/ need advice

Death Sucks.

I mean it really does. In a way it's touched all of us, every single one. Some worse than others.Some people even deal better than others. What really suprises me if how something like death can define a person, for some people it's all they focus on. Someone died and so they want pity or they're just going to grieve forever. They tell anyone and everyone about the losses they've had in their lives. Don't get me wrong it's sad, but then there's the survivors.

One of my friends, he doesn't know it be I consider him one of my best friends, has suffered a loss that no one should ever feel as a kid. He lost his mom at a young age. Yet, that loss doesn't make him who he is. He's turned out to get into his fair share of trouble as a young man, he's had challenges in life and even people insulting him but he's still amazing. He doesn't realize it, he doesn't know how amazingly good he is. I remember when he told me through a text about his mom and me trying to imagine how horrible it would be. He's had alot to go through, he's moved schools and towns, had to make new and wierd friends
(partly my fault but thats along story), and even got into some drugs when he first moved to our school. 5 months later and he's two months clean of everything. He's made alot of friends. He may never know but secretly, he inspires me everyday, even when he's 'mean' to me.

Then today I get a text and a phone call that a different friend of mine lost a parent, this time his dad. He's taking it in his own way, or basically acting like nothing happened and acting happy...telling no one. He broke a litle today, I caught him pretty upset but I couldn't figure out why. Now I know and it sucks. No one's going to bring it up, and no one's going to say anything because we all 'don't know'. We've decided the best thing is to be there is he needs us and act as normal as possible for him. Is this right?

I just wanted to share my story... sorry for the long post but any advice?
April 5th, 2011 at 02:10am