
Today is a wonderful day.... NOT!!! It's been bad I went to sleep last night at 12 am sleep walked an hour later for a pepsi i guess cuz it was beside me when i woke up at 5am, drank it slept another hour b4 getting ready. 1st period nothing 2nd period I didnt get my math contest slip and she told me i was on it last week. 3rd period ms. has us all doing some paper we had ten minutes to find 25 controversial facts bout montezuma (help wanted) and tomorrow a roughdraft
6th period we had a lab that i screwed up the measuring on 7th period nothing and get home do mums laundry and walk to the bank and it started raining halfway there. Then cleaned most of the laundry room cuz my sister *rolls eyes* has to do laundry at our house tomorrow somehow convincing mum to make me do it and then watch her kids (i love them though ) and thats my gay day i know not to bad but heres the topper my bestfriend only talks to me on his time. My ''boyfriend?'' got grounded from phone and internet until god knows when so im screwed until when he gets ungrounded to talk to him :( Imma miss him and his COCKINESS so yea plz give me montezuma facts because I did all my stuff on incas or mayans not aztecs. I'll love you forever.
April 5th, 2011 at 05:33am